Do I Need a Lawyer If I Have Suffered a Concussion in a Car Accident?

More Have you or a loved one suffered a concussion from a car accident? Concussions are a common injury caused by car accidents, no matter how small the accident may have seemed. If your accident was caused by another driver’s negligence and resulted in a concussion, speaking with a skilled attorney may help you get the financial compensation […]
Published:  December 15, 2022

Have you or a loved one suffered a concussion from a car accident?

Concussions are a common injury caused by car accidents, no matter how small the accident may have seemed. If your accident was caused by another driver’s negligence and resulted in a concussion, speaking with a skilled attorney may help you get the financial compensation you deserve. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion 

If you’ve recently been in a car accident and notice feeling “off” or your brain feels foggy, you may have suffered from a concussion during the collision. You may notice other symptoms, such as: 

  • Balance problems, dizziness, or vision issues
  • Headache or pressure in the head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Confusion, difficulty concentrating, or memory issues
  • Feeling groggy, sluggish, hazy
  • Feeling “not right” or “off”

Your family members, loved ones, or medical professionals may also notice signs of your concussion, such as:

  • Failing to recall recent events prior to the accident or after
  • Appearing dazed 
  • Changes in your personality or behavior
  • Moving clumsily
  • Answering questions slower than usual

If you’ve experienced a concussion, the first signs or symptoms will begin to show soon after the incident. Sometimes, it can take a couple of hours or a couple of days for more serious symptoms to show up, so seek medical attention as soon as possible, if you suspect you’ve suffered a concussion. 

Causes of a Concussion

A concussion can occur from a sudden shake or jolt to the head, which is why concussions are common car accident injuries. A concussion is typically caused by a force or strike to the head from an interior part of the vehicle. For example, a rear-end collision can cause the head to snap back and then forward, which may cause your head to hit your headrest with force, causing a jolt.

The seatbelt is designed to hold you in to reduce the movement of your body and tighten upon impact, but unfortunately, in a head-on collision, this doesn’t occur until your body thrusts forward from the crash. This may cause your head to forcefully make contact with the interior of the car with force, potentially resulting in a concussion.

Need a Skilled Georgia Car Accident Lawyer Near Me, Choose Mike Hostilo Law Firm Today! 

Whether you or a loved one has been injured and suffered from a concussion, do not hesitate to seek legal help. 

For trusted legal advice for an accident claim, Mike Hostilo Law Firm is ready to help. Our experienced Georgia car accident lawyers have a track record of success – and we can’t wait to put our experience to work for you! Schedule your initial free consultation today!

Our personal injury law firm handles a wide variety of cases. Attorney Mike Hostilo and our legal team have extensive experience with accident victims including:


Albany, GA

Atlanta, GA

Augusta, GA

Columbus, GA

Macon, GA

(Park of Commerce) Savannah, GA

(Abercorn) Savannah, GA

Statesboro, GA 


Beaufort, SC 


Phenix City, AL

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© 2023 Michael G. Hostilo, LLC
All Rights Reserved.
Locations - South CarolinaBeaufort
Law Offices - AlabamaPhenix City
*"Contingent attorneys” "No fee unless you win or collect" and "You only pay us if we win your personal injury claim" fees refer only to those fees charged by attorneys for their legal services. Such fees are not permitted in all types of cases. Court costs and other additional expenses of legal action usually must be paid by the client.

Any result the lawyer or law firm may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

Mike Hostilo is not licensed to practice law in South Carolina.
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