Accidents And Injuries
Collision between three cars

Why Are Fatal Car Accidents on the Rise Nationwide?

With today’s vehicles equipped with a suite of safety and driver assist features, our roadways should be safer than ever.

The pandemic, however, caused progress to stall. As Americans got back behind the wheel after months of isolation, statistics show a sudden increase in reckless and unsafe driving. In fact, from January to September 2021, the number of car crash fatalities was 12% higher than the same period in 2020. This alarming increase is the highest over a nine-month period ever reported by the Transportation Department (since data recording began in 1975).

Car Accident Lawyer Explains: 4 Common Causes for Fatal Car Crash

Studies show that there are several common causes of fatal motor vehicle accidents nationwide. If one of the following resulted in a car crash in Georgia, Alabama or South Carolina, our personal injury law firm can help you pursue compensation. Our car accident lawyers explain some common causes for car crashes including

  • Speeding And Reckless Driving
    As lockdowns were lifted and restrictions eased, many drivers took to the roads. Americans seemed to be in a hurry to reach their destinations – after months of having nowhere to go. Increased traffic heightened frustration, often resulting in reckless driving and speeding.
  • Distracted Driving
    Distractions come in many forms, tempting drivers’ eyes and attention away from the road. Multitasking can be deadly while driving, so our car accident lawyers caution against using mobile devices, eating/drinking, applying make-up, conversing with other passengers, etc.
  • Fewer People Wearing Seat Belts
    The number of victims ejected from the vehicle increased as well – as did the number of people who admitted to not wearing their seatbelt. Research shows that seat belts save lives, so to prevent a car crash be sure to buckle up every time!
  • Increased Alcohol And Drug Abuse
    The rise in car accidents corresponds with other pandemic-era trends, like the increase in alcohol sales. With more people drinking and using drugs, it’s no surprise that the rate of impaired driving rose as well causing more car crashes.

Car Accident Safety: How to Reduce Car Crashes in America

While not every car crash is preventable, many cities has implemented strategies to reduce the risk. To discourage speeding, the following tactics have proven effective in many communities across the country:

  • Narrowing lane
  • Adding speed bumps
  • Lowering speed limits
  • Replacing intersections with roundabouts
  • Building medians
  • Expanding bike lanes

These strategies seem simple, but in many places, they have yielded promising results. For instance, New York City saw the lowest number of traffic fatalities in a century (200 fatalities) after decreasing speed limits and enforcing “traffic calming” measures.

As officials nationwide work to reduce car crashes, their counterparts in other countries are doing the same. In fact, one city in Brazil cut traffic deaths nearly in half (between 2014 and 2019) by employing some of the strategies listed above!

Unfortunately, though, car crashes here at home are still too common. Our personal injury law firm remains dedicated to serving you, so trust our team to handle your accident lawsuit.

Call an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Near Me If You Need Help!

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, trust The Mike Hostilo Law Firm to handle your case. We offer clients expert legal advice and legal representation for their accident lawsuit. Our team of experienced and passionate personal injury attorneys are at the ready, committed to maximizing compensation for your car accident claim.

We proudly serve accident victims throughout Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. Our personal injury lawyers will help you pursue the compensation you deserve – including medical expenses, lost wages, property damage and pain and suffering. We’ll even handle all interaction with the insurance company so you can focus on healing.

In addition to car accidents, we handle a wide variety of personal injury cases, such as trucking accidentsWorkers’ Compensationslips and falls, and more! To schedule a free case evaluation, get in touch with us. Our personal injury law firm is available 24/7 at (844) 971-2890 to assist with your personal injury claim, so reach us today!

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